. . . so read the words across the 12" x 12" tile . . little did I know what was to come!
Within a couple of weeks of bringing home the decorative tile, I found myself surfing through Craig's List researching space to rent if I were to open my own business. A few weeks later, I signed a lease for a business suite in Verona (the first one I had inquired about on C's List), and so came SILK STUDIO, LLC.
Before the ink had dried on the newly signed lease, I received a letter from my apartment landlord stating "I had 3O days to vacate my apartment or (and I quote) get rid of the dog."
OMG, back on Craig's List! Luckily for me, the Universe makes things very clear: the first apartment I looked up was the same street address as the new business studio (only in Montclair).
The challenge of moving (aside from the obvious):
1) to find a place that does not disrupt the kids' daily routine (school, transportation, friends . . . to name a few)
2) to find a place that is comfortable for our family of 3, but not too large, as 1 is off to college in a year.
3) to find a place that allows pets.
4) $$$$$
This period of transition was a test of Faith, Prayer & Meditation . . . and we passed.
Within a 4 week period, I was able to "let go" of work at a place I had been for nearly 9 years. I was able to "let go" of an apartment I had thought was perfect.
My work was not done, all these amazing gifts & shifts and yet I was still holding on to something . . .
Anger was the last to go . . .
A friend told me "through adversity comes change." Yes, I got it! All of these gift & shifts would not have come about without the adversity that initiated the change, Anger turned into Gratitude. In the same way that Anger can snow-ball and become huge, so too can Gratitude and I have a lot to be grateful for.
Thank you
: D