Saturday, December 24, 2011

SON SALUTATION, Happy Birthday, Son

On this day, December 24th at 10:57 PM, twelve years ago, you came into this world. This day represents your birth as well as mine. I have learned so much from you. My life is rich with joy and happiness watching you grow into a young man, witnessing your achievements and accomplishments as well as your challenges and obstacles. 

You flow through your day infusing it with the things you love: reading, skate-boarding, biking, family, friends, music, sports . . . You teach me the importance of doing what we love, staying true and committed to ourselves and living/loving life to the fullest. Your ability to always make time in your day to do what is important to you reminds me to stay present, embracing the moment.

You demonstrate that happiness comes from within by not letting things around you bring your spirits down. You are a living example that happiness is not what we do or what we have,  it is who we choose to be. Through the brightness of your eyes and the shine of your smile, you are a beautiful reflection of inner peace, radiating kindness and compassion, the way the Sun radiates rays of Light.

I am so proud of you.

I love you always.


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